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Customer Loyalty

Keep your customers as loyal as ever. Their loyalty is priceless.

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Customer Loyalty

Customer Loyalty: Delight Your Customers So They Come Back

Customer Loyalty

Hearts and Minds

A loyal customer is one who continues to buy from your brand over time. They will choose your products or services over those of your competitors no matter how good the competition is. Both their hearts and minds are involved. They understand the value of your digital product and will have an emotional attachment to it.

Hearts and Minds

Customer Loyalty

Measure What Matters

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is one of the most popular ways to measure customer loyalty. You can use this score to measure how satisfied and loyal your customers are, and then you can gauge how likely they are to stay with you and perhaps even recommend you. It's simple, reliable, and related to revenue.

Measure What Matters

Customer Loyalty

NPS Formula

An NPS score is calculated by surveying current customers. They give a numerical rating of 0-10 which then provides an overall grading of the customer experience with your company. Based on their response, customers are segmented into three groups (promoters, passives, detractors). You get your NPS score by subtracting the number of your promoters from your detractors.

NPS Formula
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Customer Loyalty

Our experts say...

Need to build a loyal customer base that goes beyond points and rewards? Our customer experience experts will help you increase your NPS score and make your brand promoters louder than your detractors!

Our experts say...


What are the benefits of customer loyalty?
How can you measure customer loyalty?
What is the difference between Promoters, Passives, and Detractors?
Customer Experience

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Please get in touch with Juraj, our CEO.

Juraj Rosa
Juraj Rosa

CEO & Founder